Technology We serve

GetAProgrammer possesses vast experience in harnessing the power and flexibility of the modular approach of the J2EE platform to create customised business solutions that are truly portable and scalable. Besides custom developing Java‐based solutions, we also have extensive experience in migrating and bridging existing solutions to the newly developed Java J2EE platform using web‐services where necessary.
Our team of experienced programmers possess sound knowledge and experienced in various Open‐ Source platforms like CakePHP, PHP My‐SQL database development, Joomla, and Zen Cart development.
Complementing our understanding of data management among business is our extensive experience in programming SQL servers. Our custom solutions help optimising both internal and external data flows. Through our SQL‐based solutions, our customers can effectively manage data, forking out sensitive business information from it. Furthermore, our professional expertise enables us to integrate multiple business applications with SQL‐based solutions to deliver efficient, flexible, and realistic business solution.