iOS 8 Vs iOS 7- A comparative study of what’s changed


After the recent release of seventh major iOS mobile operating system in September 18, 2013, iOS 8 is already on its way.Every year we witness apple releasing a new iOS version for iPad, iPod, and iPhone. After the three months of beta testing, we usually get to see the public release of the version.

visual comparison

Apple Says ‘fall,’ but when specifically

IOS 8 Beta is out and there are some distinct changes to be noticed in its features and visual changes. Being a more refined version of iOS7, iOS 8 has taken itself to a new level.

Already due any time soon later this year, iOS 8 is already in the developer’s possession. Revealed to the world at WWDC 14, Apple is calling this new release as the biggest ever release for the mobile operating system. Here’s a look at where lies the difference between iOS 7 & iOS 8.

iOS 8 vs iOS 7: Features

message notification

Messages- With iOS8 you will be able to send tread notifications and can even name, add or remove threads.

spotlight search

Spotlight- The spotlight, which was usually located at the top of the screen with iOS7, has taken a more intelligent turn with iOS 8. Not only does it search the device but also the net before offering suggestions based on the thing you typed. It’s been made in such a way that spotlight will now pull its contents from iTunes, apps from App store and definitions from Wikipedia, resulting in a better conclusion.

photo editing

Photos- an array of editing features than before, iOS 8 is about to get more popular as we see. With auto straightening, auto cropping, and smart editing for light and colour.

App Store- a lot friendlier than before as related searches, trending searches and explore tabs are to be added.

iOS 8 vs iOS 7: Compatibility

• iPhones 4S and newer
• iPad 2 onwards
• iPod Touch 4th generation onwards
• Both generations of iPad Mini

iOS 8 vs iOS 7: Design

 notification centre

Notification Centre- The notification centre has been given an overhaul, with the ability to respond within the pulldown blind. With additional translucent sidebars, this means extra information on the user’s part. Only one swipe would be necessary to respond to the native existing apps like reminders and calendars and users will be free to add third party widgets to the notification centre directly as per their will.

iOS 8 vs iOS 7: Overall

All the blanks spotted in iOS 7 has been filled by iOS 8. Integration with OS x is a welcome change and something we have been really looking forward to since the beginning. With less oppressive than all the previous versions, and more intuitive nature, this latest OS will play its role well with your other devices.

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