20 Points to Keep Your Website Optimised For Mobile Phones

Mobile phones have come a long way since its inception and has occupied the lives of more than 87% population around the world. Of this total population, 27% are engaged to e-commerce surfing through mobile networks in their smartphones.

The subject of SEO has already put a foothold on website design and development bringing many of the sites up the rank ladders and many of the sites down. It is the time when Search Engine Optimisation is also implemented for website optimisation of mobile phones.

Website developers and designers along with SEO experts are on their toes for the development of websites. Mobile websites have opened new avenue for the brands for the generation of revenue. Any false move while developing and executing can drag a website down the drain, which can be extremely harmful for the brand by itself. So the only best option is to optimise website for mobile phones.

Mobile search is still in its nascent form and still in the unknown territories, thus making it challenging for the experts in the field of the website development. There are several things which you have to keep in mind to tame the website traffic for the new medium. This blog post would be looking into some major points which would help you with the optimisation of websites for mobiles.

We have divided the website optimisation into 3 basic sections based on the a) demography and its behaviour, b) mobile website structure and c) personal ways you can optimise your mobile website.

Through the following lines, we would be discussing the demography behavior which you should be looking forward while optimising your mobile website.

  • One of the key steps of keeping your website optimised is to keep track of the mobile website traffic. According to one of the recent studies, 40 % of the mobile users visit websites on a regular basis. It is best to keep track of the traffic where it is coming from. This will help you to determine the taste of the traffic.
  • Studying the visitor’s behaviour is another way to know the traffic and keep your mobile websites way optimised. Track down the habits of the users when they get into your website, the pages they look into when they look into the site. Based on these behaviours you should be able to provide the exact ingredients which are required for the website.
  • The main objective for you as the mobile website owner is to provide your users with what exactly they are looking for. Go through the products which are mostly checked by your website. These factors go a long way for improving your contents which can further enrich the experience of your visitors.
  • Check the location of the users where they are based. See, if they access your website from homes or if they are located very close to your business. In a nutshell find out, how far they are accessible to you. Based on these facts you would be able to offer different forms of enticement to them.
  • Have a thorough understanding of the sources they come from. Check out where exactly they are driven from. They might be coming from social networking sites, or they might have found your address on Google. The marketing strategy which drives the social media optimisation is based on these factors, so keep this point at the back of your head.
  • You would able to find the weaknesses and the flaws about your website by going through the existing conversion rate of the users to consumers. Keep a check on the purchase process of the users. Check that any of the purchasers are leaving between mid purchases. Find out which of the products are important and bank your strategy on them.
  • Use the social networks to become the main communication channel for being the link for the site. The social network site plays the role of the ombudsman for your users, taking feedbacks from them and asking for their suggestions. You can be everywhere and anywhere wherever your consumer is.
  • It is a common tendency amongst users to wait not more than 5 seconds before they leave the site. It is the best way to make the site highly optimised in many possible ways.

The last point brings us to the next section: What are the key areas to be noted while optimising your mobile websites? Technology is changing with every passing moment and you as a mobile apps developer have to get yourself acclimatised to these changes. Through the following lines, the recent trends are elucidated in a vivid manner.

  • Crystal Clear Strategies

While creating your mobile website online strategy, possible objectives would be set for the well being of the project. Setting up key point indexes would help your app download to soar.

  • Responsive website

Much of the leverage would be given to innovations such as responsive website design. The responsive website design helps in giving the user a consistent experience through variable platforms. Not only it helps in delivering the same content across variable medium, it also helps inconsistent user experience being optimum across platforms. It becomes the responsibility of the mobile developer to perfectly hone the responsive skills.

  • Messages to customise for your mobile

Targeting messages for paid ads can play crucial role in mobile website. Customising these calls-to-action messages will definitely give a boost to your business. You would be able to customise the messages the way you want to have.

  • Don’t forget to Test 

Being a less expensive medium if compared to desktops and notebooks, you can always take the advantage of testing all your apps, and learn from it and then again repeat the test.

Since the last 5 years, we have seen smartphones to continuously evolve. So if you are planning to be the part of the evolution, you have to prepare yourself to be very adaptive. Some of the tips about making the mobile website optimised have been given through the following lines. These tips would also help in development of mobile apps.

  • One finger to rule them all

The best mobile websites are the ones, which can be utilised by only a finger. A clean and clear website is the one which does not require in zoom, panning, pinching or tilting. Make the website where the user can manoeuvre it with a finger.

  • Simplicity is the rule of the game

Going by the age old saying ‘Keeping it short and simple’, the best websites are the ones which help user experience concisely. Don’t use your website to be tools to bury boring content. Make use of contents which would be useful but simple.

  • Boldly go where others have not gone before

Mobile websites are innovations for the generation. A major number of websites which fills the World Wide Web today are redundant in its contents filled with clichés, which you can break through with the application of new kind of ideas.

  • Matched for each other

There are mobile advertisements which are strewn across the network, which promises one thing and landing page promises the other. The user would be falling prey to utter disgust whenever they go through this kind of instances. Try to keep the landing page matching to advertisement to get hold of the trust of the user.

  • Compatibility is one of the biggest things to consider

Not all kinds if videos are compatible with the mobile websites. Convert the video into the compatible format by which you would be able to play. The videos should be working on the mobile flawlessly and consistently.

  • Handle your visitors with care

Visitors are the one and the only things which will help you in generation of revenue through your mobile site. Have a thorough understanding of the device they are using. Based on the understanding of the device come up with a website which is user friendly and flawless in providing whatever the user expects.

  • Being Advance is the best remedy

As it has been discussed through the earlier lines there are websites built on the old school criteria. This is the ideal moment to outshine that category. The mobile website experience is a new font and you have the potentiality to shine in every aspect from type face to the graphics from a trend which is in the flow.

  • … Cause User’s Matter

Your mobile website should be taken into consideration in every aspect as these people are affluent, engaged opinion leaders, who would be spreading your ideas to others. Mobile websites proved to be the imperative window through which you can interact with these people who can lend a hand in your business.

This article might not be comprehensive enough, but it is enough to give you a head start with your endeavor for mobile optimisation. But if you are willing to inculcate more advice on mobile websites you can always take it from the finest website, design development and optimisation company for mobile in Sydney.


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